Ceramic & Porcelain tile wood style parquet

Ceramic & Porcelain tile wood style parquet

Parquet-like ceramic tiles

Dotted wallpaper, hairy red carpet, gilded appliances – all of these were at least once the next hot thing in interior design.
Then they became things we could no longer wait to get rid of.
Trends change quickly, and when you spend tens of thousands of shekels on design, renovation or renewal
Your home, you want to ensure that your money is well invested and for that parquet-like ceramics.

How will you know when something is a passing event or is it going to stay here for a long time?
This is the idea behind the question “Is this a trend that can be trusted?” Is a parquet or wood-like ceramic tile
Endowed with the ability to continue to be considered a fashionable element for a long time?
Ceramic and porcelain tiles that look like wood started popping up in the market a few years ago and have since become a common phenomenon.

Wood-like tiles have flooded the exhibits at international flooring exhibitions around the world and have established the fact that wood-like ceramics are going to be one of the most common trends in the field of flooring.

A year later, the wood-like tiles stood out around the world, having successfully appeared at the annual Cersaie exhibition held in Bologna, Italy.
At this fair you could see wood-like tiles in just about every corner.

With the technology available today in the field of tile production, durability and ease of maintenance of ceramics, the low costs
And the green factor – it’s no wonder that the gravity of these tiles is growing impressively.

The ceramic really looks like parquet

Whether you are looking for a dark or light finish, large or small panels – you will find the sought-after option between wood-like and parquet-like ceramic tiles.
The variety of tiles today ranges from a finish that looks just exactly like a dark walnut as if taken from an old French fishing delivery.

Today, when wood flooring is so fashionable, purchasing wood-like tiles is an alternative to looking for some special wood that has been dismantled from a centuries-old hut.
Another advantage of wood-like tiles – they are available in a variety of sizes that the wood naturally can not provide.

The tile manufacturers have expanded the design of the wood look and created a huge variety of wood-like tiles that look like planks
Traditional of oak trees, like wood taken from an antique barrel or like natural, real parquet.
And their huge advantage is that it is very easy to install and maintain these tiles. Imagine the effort it would take to recreate the same design from natural wood panels.

Tiles – it’s really economical

Budget is always one of the important things to consider before planning a renovation. And flooring, especially if it’s wood, takes a serious chunk of the budget.
Wood-like tiles provide a great solution that keeps within your budget limits.

Basically, you get a luxurious look for half price. And today, as the industry has expanded the tiles have become more efficient, more durable and more reliable.
With wood-like tiles the cost goes down without compromising on the quality and beauty of the home space.

It’s really practical

Because you are dealing with tiles, you do not have to deal with real wood that is accompanied by problems especially in areas with high humidity like the kitchen or bathroom.
Due to the beautiful appearance and durability and sophistication of wood-like tiles, they are also very suitable for parts of the house
Where moisture is unavoidable, and to this day it would have been better to avoid natural wood flooring.

Parquet-like flooring with porcelain tiles

Dreaming of a parquet floor but afraid of water contact with wood?
It’s time to know all about parquet-like flooring for the living environment.

Solid wood parquet used primarily as a good means of insulation from the cold, is considered the most common means of cladding
In different countries around the world where the winter months are particularly cold.

In addition, hardwood floors can lose their beauty over time, given the humidity that characterizes the home living environment.
And given the fact that many of us like to wash our living environment with lots of water, which can cause solid wood hardwood floors to “swell” over time.

If you are also interested in, on the one hand, tiling your home / apartment with parquet and, on the other hand, enjoying a parquet surface that is adapted to the climatic conditions
In all the countries of the world and in view of the fact that many of you like to wash your house with lots of water, it is time to know all about parquet-like flooring.

The most common parquet surfaces in the world

In order to deal with the various problems that characterize solid wood parquet surfaces, you are offered a dedicated solution to the problem of water contact.
With wood, and all this with parquet-like tiles that on the one hand allow you to enjoy all the design luxury that accompanies parquet surfaces
And on the other hand allow you to continue to wash the living environment with water without fear of expected damage to the parquet surface.

Parquet-like flooring with the help of tiles are actually parquet-like porcelain tiles that are characterized by a number of notable advantages such as: High-durability floor tiles
Water resistant, high resistance to scratches and abrasion marks, a luxurious look that simulates the luxurious wood parquet and of course, avoidance of wear and tear.

Parquet-like porcelain tiles are better than synthetic parquets that are also considered water-resistant, given the simple work of installing flooring
Parquet-like, is an operation that can be done without the need to level the existing surface as part of the installation of the tiles on top of an existing leveled flooring.

Tiles – the design advantage

Also, these tiles come in different sizes and levels of roughness, and therefore, can be most optimally adapted to any area in the living environment, of choice
Parquet-like floor tiles for the living room and bedroom environment, through the selection of the level of roughness for the bathrooms (non-slip roughness) to the choice
Parquet-like porcelain tiles for flooring the kitchen environment.

Beyond the benefits that come with parquet-like porcelain tiles in terms of their durability and efficiency in the living environment, these tiles come in a variety
Shapes and colors, a fact that can be used with you for the purpose of designing parquet-like flooring surfaces in the living environment.

What is important to check when purchasing parquet-like porcelain tiles?
Like all other types of tiles used for cladding walls and flooring in the living environment, parquet-like porcelain tiles are also marketed
At different quality levels, depending on the production method in which the parquet-like porcelain tiles are produced.

Higher quality tiles are produced by the injection method in which a color that simulates the special shade of the natural wood is injected into the tile body, when
The cheaper tiles in the category are actually tiles in which the color of the wood is achieved by printing it on the tile.

When you go to buy parquet-like porcelain tiles, it is important to check what the production method is in which the parquet is made and even though the cost
Injection flooring is higher than the cost of tiles in print, we recommend that you choose the more expensive flooring in the category, thus ensuring
For yourself quality tiles that are also characterized by higher durability over the years.

Synthetic parquet or porcelain tiles – which is better?

As mentioned above, the installation of wood-like parquet, is possible both through parquet-like porcelain tiles and as part of the installation of
Synthetic flooring that comes with a wood-like laminate coating.
When comparing the two types of solutions offered to you for hardwood flooring purposes, it is important to note the fact that hardwood floors that come with laminated siding, may come
To a level of wear that requires their replacement after a number of years in view of their partial resistance to signs of wear.

On the other hand, parquet-like porcelain tiles are characterized by high durability over the years and even though they are more expensive than the cost of synthetic parquet, along the way
Time are the ones that are considered more lucrative also financially.

Parquet-like flooring maintenance – how?

Maintenance of parquet-like porcelain tiles is no different from maintenance of any other flooring surface that is also made of porcelain granite tiles.
Cleaning the surface is also possible as part of daily maintenance operations such as: sweeping the surface and vacuuming and also
As part of washing the floors with a damp cloth or with plenty of water.

Of course, in cases where you wash the floor frequently, use only cleaning products that are suitable for porcelain tiles,
But beyond that, there is no prevention for washing the house / apartment with a little or a lot of water, depending on the preferred way for you to wash the house.