Ideas for home design using tiles

Ideas for home design using tiles

Interior design of the house is a happy and exciting experience. This is an opportunity to bring out of us the same creativity and hidden joy of life, and to turn our home from just beautiful, to a home full of charm and character. Stonework, whether it is refined or complete and harmonious is one of the key elements that is worth investing in in home design, both in terms of thought and planning, and financially. Mosaics as well as exterior wall cladding or interior wall cladding, if made carefully and qualitatively will make your home a special place that grows and thrives with you.

Mosaic tiles are a design element that was used in the ancient world to give splendor and luxury to tiles and walls. Recently, the art of mosaic has re-entered the field of modern home design. When you choose to incorporate mosaics into the design of your home, you are incorporating an antique design element into your modern home. Mosaics in the flooring of the house will add a dimension of charm to the floors. Floor mosaics can use, for example, images from the ancient world, in order to cast a kind of luxury and myth on your living room. On the other hand, abstract mosaics will add a design beauty that is both ancient and modern.

Mosaics can also appear inside interior wall cladding. This is a way to bring living art into your home, and incorporate it into your walls. The charm of this type of interior wall cladding is that it reopens the house and gives it a different kind of atmosphere. When designing your home, you should think about adding interior wall cladding. Adding a touch of polished or coarse stone to the walls of the house adds warmth and a special homey feel. The stones you use will improve and take on more character over time.

The design work of the kitchen will be done under the guidance of an architect according to the personal needs of each house and is essential for achieving the best result.
Here are some highlights in choosing a kitchen from the level of user-friendliness to the visual aspect.

If you have been thinking about interior wall cladding, you should also check out exterior wall cladding for your new or renovated home. Exterior wall cladding provides a special character to the house, which no “splash” cover can give. Stone on exterior wall cladding simply adds a different character. To give your home such a character, you do not need exterior wall cladding over the entire building area, even cladding in the corners or around the door is enough to apply a different and special character to your home.

You should invest in the design of your home, because the investment will return to you in a house full of the magic that will grow you.


The kitchen is the beating heart of the home, the scene of events, the brewing of delicacies and the center of the hospitality experience. In recent years, the kitchen has taken a significant focus in designing the living environment and is receiving aesthetic attention while emphasizing maximum functionality.

In a new home, it is important to define a dedicated space for the kitchen and if you change the kitchen in an existing home, you can replace the current model with an innovative model of “smart” kitchen that includes all the advanced functions that characterize the new kitchens.

Choosing a kitchen style

Today you can find kitchen designs in a variety of types from rustic kitchens in the Provence style, through modern and high-tech kitchens, metallic lines in front of rough wood – the choice is a personal taste and adaptation to the space lines of the house.

In any case, in any design choice, make sure that quality raw materials are durable over time (solid wood, Corian or Onyx surface, luxury metals and try to maintain a clean style

At the planning stage, the size of the refrigerator and the various electrical products should be measured to plan the enclaves, cabinets, and pantry size. It is recommended to add focused lighting that will help you work in the light but also backlighting that will create a special atmosphere in the kitchen.