Types of mosaics

Types of mosaics

There are tile mosaics designed for pools that are thinner - and are produced in huge quantities and hence the price is lower Most of them are regular mosaic - you can order from existing stock or combine many shades according to your choice from a catalog.
Wall cladding

Wall cladding

Wall cladding is a very important part of the construction process, for two reasons: practical and aesthetic. In practical terms, the cladding adds durability to the wall, and ensures long-term stability for the house.
Tiles for wall cladding

Tiles for wall cladding

The issue of the appearance of the space, whether it is the space of the house, the office or the public space, has undergone many changes that have led, among other things, to a change in everything related to the appearance of the walls. If once the practice was to paint walls whether in white or other colors or the use of wallpaper, in recent years the issue of tiling walls using tiles has also entered strongly in central spaces and not just in bathrooms and toilets.